Tuesday, 12 July 2016

20 days to secure Peckham Lido project proceeds.

Last Sunday MP Harriet Harman (left) joined swimmers gathered on the grass where the old Peckham Lido  flourished until 1987. The publicity was to help raise a further £22,000 to take the proposed Olympic-sized pool and leisure centre on to the next stage. Crowdfunding has been boosted  by the mayor office's recent pledge of £7,500 towards the campaign. Supporters believe that anyone living near Peckham Rye will want to support this plan to restore a great community asset and make our wonderful park even better. However, not everyone is in favour of municipal swimming, or in further concreting the green area, which is about to have a 400-pupil school, with no carpark, built nearby.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Herne Hill Festival

Hylda is performing tonight with the City Ramblers, picture here, at the Prince Regent, 69 Dulwich Road, part of the Herne Hill Festival 

Tomorrow there's a Jazz Night with Renato d'Aiello at the Off the Cuff in Railton Road by the station.

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Midsummer picnic

The Groucho Midsummer Picnic will as usual be beneath the plane tree in the middle of Peckham Rye Common.

Sunday, June 21, 7pm, and perhaps repairing to the Clock House when it gets cool. With luck it will be balmy, making up for the recent chilly weather.

Bring whatever you want to eat and drink, whatever you want to sit on.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Christmas Tweet

Happy Christmas to the Groucho twiteratti. We'll have a get-together in the New Year. 

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Autumn equinox

The next Groucho is on Tuesday September 23 at The Ivy House, from 7pm.

A new colour from Christopher Bowden, out on October 23. Grouchos are invited to the launch at Dulwich Books , 6 Croxted Road, at 7.30 on Thursday 23 October

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Drama, film, music, books...

Now until Sept 6: Innovative, entertaining and thoroughly recommended: Odyssyus at the CLF Cafe in Rye Lane, by The Factory Theatre Co.

Help celebrate Peckhamplex's 20th anniversary

Friday, August 29, Renato D'Aiello is playing at The Crypt in Camberwell.

Sept. 2: Hylda's book launch.

Out now:  New editions, in all good local bookshops...

"An excellent and useful book" -- Fiona Woolf, Lord Mayor of London 2013–14
"It's a wonderful thing!" -- Alain de Botton
"If you are heading for the Turkish coast this summer, this curious, informative and entertaining little book will sit well beside the bunk -- The Sunday Times
"A delightfully eccentric mix" -- Cornucopia magazine

(Also available as eBooks)

Monday, 23 June 2014

The future of Peckham...source of many stories

Lots of developments are being proposed -- and fought -- in Peckham right now. The Car Park (and Bold Tendency/Franks Cafe) has had a stay of execution for further research to show how it could be converted into a permanent cultural centre (vide the Midsummer Sibelius), the station is still in discussion, and Southwark is proposing a tower block that will blight the view of the city .

All these issues, and many more, are the concern of Peckham Vision, who are encouraging people to connect in to their flow of information in the following ways:

You can sign up for the roughly monthly summary email updates. Email info@peckhamvision.org.

But news is posted on Peckham Vision Facebook pages, tweets, blog and website also as it happens. So you can follow whatever is most convenient:
* Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PeckhamVision
* Blog - http://peckhamresidents.wordpress.com.
* Tweets - http://twitter.com/PeckhamVision

The Facebook page is a good quick overview if you want to catch up quickly, and you can get at it directly through https://www.facebook.com/PeckhamVision .

A good catch up for the Station Gateway issues which will feature heavily over the next few months is on the website:http://www.peckhamvision.org/wiki/Peckham_Rye_Station_Gateway.