Thursday 13 May 2010

May 11 at the CPT

There was a post-mortem on the first weekend of artists' Open Studios under the Dulwich Festival – around 130 of them this year, each artist paying £50 to have their names in the programme. Chris Clack said the turnout at his house, where several artists are showing, was disappointing, but the weather had been bad and there's another weekend to go. Joan Byrne sold some photographs, according to Phil Polglaze, a welcome new Groucher. Phil has been photographing Peckham and its people since the age of 13 and judging by the length and greyness of his beard that must have been a pretty long time. Anne Reckless was enjoying a moment of Schadenfreude at the news of Will Lewis's departure from the Telegraph. She brought along an old friend and colleague Helen Placito, managing editor of Conde Nast's Glamour magazine, another welcome newcomer. There was talk of the current feud between Wikipedia and the National Portrait Gallery over copyright, and Max Holloway recommended a useful website,, which covers intellectual copyright for creatives. He also mentioned the Frieze Writers' Prize - we look forward to an excoriating piece from him. It was good to see Rhian Wheeler and Malcolm Young again - though it's untrue they had been kept away because they knew we would ask about the progress of their gallery project, which has been slow. Talk, of course, turned to the elections, and Hylda Sims recalled that, as a mature student in the 1970s, she had been taught by the Marxist sociologist Ralph Miliband, father of the David at Ed, at the LSE.

• May 26 The next Groucho is on Wednesday May 26, at the Montpellier, Choumert Road. I won't be there for this one, but I hope people turn up for a drink anyway. It's a pleasant pub and needs checking out.
• Jun 10 Maybe the old Wishing Well, now the Victoria, will be open by then.
• Jun 21 Midsummer eve. A picnic on the Common...

1 comment:

  1. just found out the Montpellier is going to be closed tonight may 26,
